Workpackage 2

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TETTRIs Workpackage 2: "Connecting local and European taxonomies"

Our mission (project deliverables):

"Functional workflow for mapping local taxonomies established and documented"

This is to document and enhance the mapping of local taxon lists (or scientific data holdings containing lists of taxon names) to global and European aggregators of scientific names and taxa. Local lists are here understood to range from spreadsheets maintained by individual researchers to large databases containing taxonomic checklists for countries or entire regions of the world (e.g. the European plant checklist Euro+Med PlantBase). Scientific names are used to document multiple kinds of properties of organisms, the mapping process serves to unite this information while at the same time ensuring that potential caveats in the direct linking of names (and their synonyms) can be identified. The initial step in that process is matching the local name with the names in the global lists.

So why would the administrators of local lists want to relate their name data to global aggregators, for example to Catalogue of Life, World Flora Online Plant List or EU-Nomen? We are collecting such use cases for name matching and from that we will propose mechanisms to improve name matching and other services provided by the target aggregator systems.

"Functional optimised EU Nomen processes and services up and running"

EU-Nomen is the first all-taxa inventory for European species, initially assembled by the EU-funded PESI project (Pan European Species Inventory Infrastructure). EU-Nomen is an aggregated data set allowing queries and name matching via the Internet. The central database is hosted and web access maintained by the Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ). The content consists of several largely complementary European taxonomic datasets, each of which is maintained by a specialised taxonomic community: Fungi from Index Fungorum / Species Fungorum, Marine organisms from the European Register of Marine Species ERMS, Animals from Fauna Europaea, and Plants from Euro+Med PlantBase. Merging these datasets is the responsibility of the Zentrum für Biodiversitätsinformatik und Sammlungsdatenintegration (ZBS) in Berlin. TETTRIs will streamline the process of merging these datasets in order to enable regular updating of the EU-nomen services. It will foster the provision of globally unique identifiers provided by the source datasets. In collaboration with the Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna, special attention will also be given to common taxon names, as they are the key to data access by a broader public.